2020 brought a surge in home improvement and DIY projects as homeowners were quarantined due to the pandemic. And forecasts show that the demand for hardware products for DIY’ers and home improvement projects is not slowing down. In January and February of 2021, 62% of survey respondents said they started a new DIY project in the past month.
As COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and business reopens across America, 40% of consumers have plans for DIY projects to improve their homes. The peak sales months for these types of projects are May and June. Is your hardware marketing strategy equipped with the tools to capture these DIY’ers as they plan projects and make purchase decisions? Keep reading to learn more about how hardware retailers can increase marketing ROI with direct mail!
Did You Know?
64% of retail hardware consumers have responded to an ad in the mailbox in the past 12 months.
- Adding a direct mail component to your marketing mix gives you a powerful tool to help achieve your goals. Engagement with the mailbox is at an all-time high.
- Consumers spend 11 Minutes spent sorting, opening, and reading mail daily79% of recipients look forward to checking their mailbox each day
- Daily mail engagement has increased 69% since March 2020
Direct mail does more than simply engage consumers; it drives awareness and purchase intent.
- When print is paired with digital media, advertisers see as much as a 30% increase in response.
- Advertisers achieve a 33% lift in unaided ad awareness when print is integrated with digital campaigns vs. digital-only campaigns
- Print drives 11% purchase intent compared to only 4% with digital alone – That’s a 175% increase in purchase intent when anchoring your digital campaign with print
We offer direct mail product solutions that benefit hardware retailers like you, helping you:
- Drive traffic to your store
- Re-engage lapsed customers
- Increase traffic to your website
- Connect to new movers to your area
- Proactively communicate and engage your customers
- Promote grand openings, remodels, events, holiday sales, special promotions, specific products, reward programs, and more
The following direct mail product options have proven results as part of hardware retailer marketing plans.
Impact Postcard
- 1-1 loyalty and acquisition messaging in one mailing
- Build awareness and brand consideration
- Personalized for better engagement and response
Targeted Inserts
- Low cost, high ROI
- Maximize budget and extend reach
- Target ideal consumers in-need of your services down to the carrier route level for better response
Quick Connect Postcard (Pre & New Mover)
- Movers are 5x as likely to become long-term customers
- Fast, flexible product solution
- Reach movers within 2 to 3 days pre-move, post-move or both
If you’re ready to talk more about integrating direct mail into your multi-channel marketing strategy to drive better results and ROI, click Get Started below to reach out today.
Sources: “Do-It-Yourselfers Will Continue to Fuel Home Improvement Market Post-Pandemic, Reports NPD.” Npd.com. Sept. 28, 2020. Web. Oct. 2020; USPS Consumer Mail Moments, Spring 2020, Summit Research; Millward Brown Print Campaign Analysis; “Tracking 2020 DIY Momentum | Hardware Retailing,” hardwareretailing.com