COVID-19 disrupted many industries, and hair salons were no exception. Many salons have had to close, reopen and close again during the pandemic. As restrictions are lifted and hair salons reopen, operating at a limited capacity, they face new challenges to market their salon and to help clients feel safe and comfortable returning to the salon. Keep reading to learn how to target and engage customers for a more effective salon promotion.
Along with challenges resulting from the pandemic, competition has never been higher—not just competition with other salons but also drug stores, beauty stores, and spas that offer many of the same services as hair salons. In July 2020, Drug Store News reported that over the previous 3 months, as salons, beauty supply stores, and specialty beauty retailers were forced to close during the pandemic, mass-market retailers saw a spike in most segments of hair care including hair color, at-home grooming tools, shampoo/conditioner combo packs and relaxer/perm kits. In addition to increased retail offerings, consumers have even more options from online retailers offering customized at-home color products and even products that restore gray hair to its original color without hair dye.
With all this competition, hair salons should consider a makeover – of their marketing strategy. That’s where we can help. With Mspark as your salon marketing partner, we can help you target consumers effectively and drive traffic back to the salon.
Did You Know?
65% of potential hair stylist switchers responded to ad or coupon in mailbox in the past year, as well as 62% of hair coloring/permanent clients.
Adding a direct mail component to your salon promotion marketing mix gives you a powerful tool to help achieve your goals. Engagement with the mailbox is at an all-time high.
- Consumers spend 11 minutes sorting, opening, and reading mail daily.
- 79% of recipients look forward to checking their mailbox each day.
- Daily mail engagement has increased 69% since March 2020.
Direct mail does more than simply engage consumers; it drives awareness and purchase intent.
- Advertisers achieve a 39% lift in unaided ad awareness when print is integrated with digital campaigns vs. digital-only campaigns.
- When print is paired with digital media, advertisers see as much as a 30% increase in response.
- Print drives 11% purchase intent compared to only 4% with digital alone – That’s a 175% increase in purchase intent when anchoring your digital campaign with print!
We offer direct mail product solutions that benefit hair salons like yours, helping you:
- Drive traffic to your salon locations
- Re-engage lapsed clients
- Connect to new movers to your area
- Proactively communicate and engage your customers
- Promote grand openings, remodels, events, special promotions, specific products, reward programs, and more.
The following direct mail product options have proven results as part of hair salon marketing plans.
Impact Postcard
- 1-1 loyalty and acquisition messaging in one mailing
- Build awareness and brand consideration
- Personalized for better engagement and response
Targeted Inserts
- Low cost, high ROI
- Maximize budget and extend reach
- Target ideal consumers in-need of your services down to the carrier route level for better response
- High visibility, cost-effective vehicle
- Saturate your market with mass awareness
- Drive traffic and establish your brand in the marketplace
Reach out today by clicking Get Started below to plan your strategy!
Sources:; AdMall AudienceSCAN 2020; USPS Consumer Mail Moments, Spring 2020, Summit Research; Millward Brown Print Campaign Analysis; Connecting for Action – Canada Post Neuroscience Report