Create a Dental Marketing Strategy to Acquire High-Value Patients & Grow Your Practice


The first step in creating a dental marketing strategy to acquire new patients and grow your practice is to identify potential high-value patients. This includes those most likely to need restorative treatment, as well as those seeking elective cosmetic procedures.

In the rural communities and small towns Mspark serves, there is great opportunity to drive new patient growth. In the most recent study conducted in 2019, 65.5% of adults aged 18−64 had a dental visit in the past 12 months. Rural residents are nearly 10% less likely to have visited a dentist than their urban counterparts.

17% of Adults Plan to Pay for Restorative Dental Work in the Next Year

17% of adults in the U.S. plan to pay for dental fillings, crowns, bridges or root canals within the next year. These dental services patients have responded to advertising across a variety of channels in the past 12 months:

Dental Procedure Patients Advertising Response in the Past 12 Months

Direct Mail is the Pipeline to New Patients

  • Pinpoint targeting down to the household level so your message can be personalized based on the consumer profile
  • 70% of consumers say direct mail is more personal than online interactions
  • Advertising mail is kept in a household for 17 days on average
  • Direct mail open rates can reach up to 90%
  • 62% of consumers who responded to direct mail in the past three months made a purchase.

Read how dental practices like yours have benefitted from a marketing strategy anchored by direct mail in our dental case studies. Reach out today to plan your strategy.

Sources: American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry;;;;;; NCHS Data Brief No. 412, July 2021 Products – Data Briefs – Number 412 – July 2021 (; AdMall AudienceSCAN 2022;, direct-mail-statistics, 2020; Retail Wire, 2022

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