Communications Marketing: Target Rural Consumers & New Movers to Grow Subscribers

A communications marketing opportunity exists in rural markets where broadband access and adoption continue to lag behind urban and suburban regions of the country. The latest data confirms that consumers in rural markets pay more for internet access than those in urban and suburban areas1.

In late 2020, the average monthly cost of a 25/3 broadband connection was nearly $13 higher in rural ZIP codes. The hope is that funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will help close the price gap that keeps some rural households from using broadband.

Broadband adoption vs. access

Over the next 5+ years, $425 billion will be invested as part of the Infrastructure Acts Broadband Equity Access and Deployment BEAD program that primarily focuses on providing infrastructure to unserved and underserved areas. There is also a requirement for states to describe how their plan to award funds will address broadband affordability.

Communications marketing messaging to rural consumers should emphasize value and affordability, as well as eligible services. Mspark’s targeting capabilities enable you to identify your highest-value potential customers within your service area and engage them with relevant, timely messaging down to the household level.

Engage Your Audience Like Never Before

Best Practices for Telecommunications Services: Marketing strategies to gain new customers while lowering cost per acquisition Download Now

Did you know?
53% of rural consumers are influenced by mailbox-delivered print and digital channels when making telecom purchases2.

In the past 12 months, High-speed Broadband Internet Subscribers for Home Use nationwide have responded to advertising across a variety of channels and tactics:

  • 75% have responded to streaming TV ads
  • 71% have responded to pre-roll video ads
  • 71% have responded to ads or offers in the mailbox
  • 68% have responded to internet banner ads

Integrating direct mail and digital advertising increases the reach and response of your advertising campaigns and elevates brand awareness as your message reaches consumers across their TVs, connected devices, and in their mailboxes.

Why Target the Mailbox with Communications Marketing?

Direct mail remains a valuable component of any marketing tool kit. It consistently inspires consumers to take action and drives the highest ROI for marketers.

  • 64% of consumers say direct mail has inspired them to take action, such as visiting a website or a physical store4.
  • 74% of marketers say direct mail delivers the highest response, conversion rate, and ROI of any channel used 4.
  • Direct mail is valued by consumers across all generations, from Gen Z to Boomer5.

Target New Movers to Acquire Valuable New Customers as They Seek New Service Providers

Does your communications marketing strategy include new movers? If not, you could be missing out on valuable new subscribers.

38% of movers choose their internet service before moving; another 39% make their decision within the first 30 days of moving6.

Mspark’s Quick Connect mover program enables you to reach more movers faster and with the most engaging media:

No. 1: Reach them faster than the competition – Mspark has a unique solution that targets movers well ahead of your competition, meaning you reach them when it matters most.

No. 2: Identify more new movers – we find every new mover available in your trade area to ensure you don’t miss out on any opportunity for a customer.

  • The number of data sources allows us to identify as many new movers as possible, meaning you reach 15% more than the competition.  These triggers are based on consumer actions in the marketplace and the timing of their actions:
    • NCOA (National Change of Address form) – Only 30% of movers complete an NCOA.  Mover programs that rely on this as their key data point are missing 70% of new movers.  Additionally, these forms can be completed by the mover anytime pre- or post-move, making it difficult to collect timely data during the moving process. 
    • Utility, Phone and Cable connects create a higher quality data source as these are standard services established by movers and some of the first steps completed after purchasing a home.
  • The number of sources helps validate a true mover.  With our data sources and validation process, we can confirm if an individual hits multiple triggers, increasing the quality of the lead as a mover and not someone simply making a change to a service provider.

Learn how a regional telecom provider has consistently increased signups year over year by targeting new movers in the case study below. Click “get started” to connect with an expert to plan your strategy today.

Sources: Rural Internet Subscribers Pay More, New Data Confirms (; Prosper Insights & Analytics 20232; AdMall AudienceSCAN 20233; Porch/LOB December 20234; USPS Mail Moments 20235; Speedeondata.com6

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