2023 USPS Research: Marketing Mail Gains Attention and Engagement

New USPS research released in 2023 shows that marketing mail continues to be an effective media channel for gaining consumer attention and engagement across age groups and business categories.

Here are 10 key takeaways that can guide you in developing the mail component of your marketing strategy.

  1. 90% believe mail is as important or more important to them now than it was three years ago. 1
  • More Millennials and Gen Z find mail to be “more important” compared to older generations. 1
  1. 72% of participants describe themselves as having high or moderately high interest in receiving mail.1
  2. Most consumers check their mail daily, 77% at first opportunity; 79% sort at 1st 1
  • Boomers (72%) check their most frequently of all age groups. 1
  • 71% reported they read direct mail the same day they bring it inside their residence2.
  1. 65% say an offer or promotion caught their attention. 1
  • Offers are key to get recipients to open and read direct mail:
    • 78% will open/read a single offer or promotion;
    • 77% will open/read multiple offers or promotions. 2
  1. 68% of consumers are more likely to engage with a brand’s message when it’s personalized to them1; 55% expect mail from brands to be personalized to them in some way. 2
  2. 80% of consumers share direct mail with their friends and family, making it more “viral” than you may think. 1
  3. 64% of consumers say direct mail has inspired them to “take action”2
  • 57% have visited a brand website after receiving direct mail. 2
  • More than one-third have visited a retail location or purchased a product or service. 2
  • 39% of consumers are likely to scan a QR code on a piece of direct mail and take action. The number increases to 44% for ages 35-54 and 51% for 18-34. 1

8. In the past 6 months, more than half (52%) of respondents have tried a new product/service/establishment after receiving marketing mail. 1

  • Restaurants are the most common new business tried. 1
  • Gen Z are most likely to try a new business after receiving marketing mail. 1

9. 61% perceive direct mail to be valuable, while 53% perceive marketing email to be . 1

10. 74% of marketers agree that direct mail provides the best ROI of any channel they use. 2

Is your marketing strategy missing out on valuable consumers by overlooking this influential component? Reach out today to connect with an expert who can help you integrate mail into your marketing strategy efficiently and effectively.

Sources: USPS Mail Moments 20231; The State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights by LOB and Comperemedia2

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